St. Paul’s PACE Gives Woman Independence

St. Paul’s PACE Gives Woman IndependenceAfter Nancy fell during a stay at the hospital, she required shoulder replacement surgery. Limited by muscle weakness, pain, impaired balance, and mobility, Nancy developed a new fear of falling. She went from being independent to being dependent on all mobility.

After the surgery, she was sent to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation and then to an assisted living community where she resided for a couple of years. That is where she heard about St. Paul’s Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and decided to join. St. Paul’s PACE ensured not just her medical needs were met, but that she had a healthy living environment as well.

“I found out I was getting bites on me from bedbugs,” Nancy recalled. “The place I was living didn’t change the sheets enough. My St. Paul’s PACE social worker got me out, and I got better.”

St. Paul’s PACE was also providing physical therapy to help Nancy with her shoulder pain. When her legs started hurting as a result of arthritis in her kneecap, St. Paul’s PACE expanded her physical therapy program.

”I went from a wheelchair to getting around pretty well on a walker thanks to physical therapy three times a week at St. Paul’s PACE,” Nancy smiled. “I have been doing well ever since. I walk at home three times a week for about half an hour. My son is really happy for me.”

Before joining St. Paul’s PACE, Nancy says that she felt confined. Being in a wheelchair limited what she could do and where she could go. She missed being independent.

“I didn’t have health problems until I was around 60,” Nancy explained. “St. Paul’s PACE allows me to live independently and my children don’t worry about me. I wasn’t expecting to get everything I have since I joined, but I needed it. St. Paul’s PACE really makes a difference.”

Nancy says she looks forward to coming to St. Paul’s PACE. She says she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“The people are my favorite part of St. Paul’s PACE,” Nancy confessed. “The people here are just beautiful. From one area of the building to the other, they work hard to keep everybody happy. I love coming to St. Paul’s PACE.”

Nancy urges other seniors in need of care to join St. Paul’s PACE.

“You will love it,” she exclaims. “Everyone makes you feel good, including the drivers, the nurses, social workers, physical therapists, doctors – everybody. I have made a lot of friendships here. Most of all, they will help you. St. Paul’s PACE will help you get back on your feet.”

If you, or someone you know, would benefit from St. Paul’s PACE, please contact us.

Last updated on June 5th, 2024 at 4:04 am - St. Paul’s PACE website H5629 2102 - Approved on 3/23/2021

St. Paul's PACE