St. Paul’s PACE Helps Woman Walk

St. Paul’s PACE Helps Woman WalkBefore Alma Lango enrolled in St. Paul’s Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), her life was very different. It was a lot harder for her and for her daughter who lives with her.

“I couldn’t walk; I was in a wheelchair,” Alma remembers. “My daughter helped me; she did my laundry and my shopping, but I wasn’t getting any medical care. I have Parkinson’s. At that time, I had a case of Gout. It was worse because my ankles, my feet, my knees, and my shoulders all hurt. I had a lot of health problems.”

Alma’s daughter heard about St. Paul’s PACE and told her mother about it. Reluctant, Alma enrolled.

“It was hard for my daughter to try to care for me,” Alma admits. “I didn’t want to come to St. Paul’s PACE. I was depressed at the time. But I gave it a chance – and I can walk now. I get physical therapy, memory therapy, and strength exercises. I didn’t get that before. And I get a lot of attention from everybody – from the drivers to the kitchen staff – everybody.”

Of the many things that Alma loves about St. Paul’s PACE, the friendships she has with fellow participants may be at the top of her list.

“I have many friends here; I love everybody,” Alma cheered.

assisting to help elderly“Everyone was really helpful when I tried my first steps without my wheelchair. They were saying, ‘Bravo, Alma! Bravo, Alma! You can do it!’ It was very special. I say, I walk like a duck, but I walk without a wheelchair.”

Determined to make sure every new participant feels the love that St. Paul’s PACE has to offer, Alma has made herself part of the welcoming crew. She likes to make sure everyone feels at home.

According to Alma, enrolling in St. Paul’s PACE was one of the best decisions she ever made. She is grateful for St. Paul’s PACE and all the program has done for her and for her daughter.

“I am really thankful for St. Paul’s PACE.”

“Since I am here, blessing after blessing, and it keeps going forever,” Alma rejoices. “I am really thankful for St. Paul’s PACE. It is really, really, really a blessing for me. My daughter is satisfied with the treatment I receive here, the medical appointments, medicine, and everything. She doesn’t have to worry anymore.”

If you, or someone you know, would benefit from St. Paul’s PACE, please contact us.

Last updated on June 5th, 2024 at 4:09 am - St. Paul’s PACE website H5629 2102 - Approved on 3/23/2021

St. Paul's PACE